Can You Bring A Gazebo to Secret Garden Party?

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Music festival tents in a field - Can You Bring A Gazebo to Secret Garden Party?

Heading to Secret Garden Party this summer? Before you fill your suitcase and plan the perfect outfit, there’s something else you’ll need to consider: can I bring a gazebo?

Can You Bring A Gazebo to Secret Garden Party?

Sorry gazebo lovers, it’s not possible to bring a gazebo to Secret Garden Party.

The list of prohibited items includes this type of shelter and the organisers won’t allow them in camping or stage areas at all. So if you’re looking for some personal shelter or shade, you’ll need to look elsewhere.

What Are The Rules About Gazebos At Secret Garden Party?

Secret Garden Party has a strict no-gazebo policy – and if you bring one, it won’t be there for long!

Though they may appear to make your experience more comfortable, don’t bother bringing one as it will only be taken down by the security team.

Save yourself the hassle and leave your gazebo at home!

What Is The Problem With Gazebos?

Gazebos are great if you have a lot of space, or at a festival where they don’t get in the way. But if tents are tight and space is limited, it might be worth giving them a miss.

Gazebos are anti-social, they restrict a whole area of the field to just you and your mates – this makes it hard for people to navigate around the campsites.

No matter what you decide to take along with you, make sure that it’s something that you can take home with you at the end of the festival! After a long weekend of fun and music, the last thing people want is to see a field full of abandoned gazebos.

If your gazebo was to fall on someone or hit the power lines, it would be a disaster.

This damage – however hilarious it was when it happened – will reduce your willingness to take it home. Gazebos are one of the big problems at the end of the festival. You can see their torn fabric and broken poles sticking up out of the field, like old bones.

Even if your gazebo survives, they can be difficult to repack especially if it’s the first time you’ve had to do it or the original box or bag is lost. So they get left behind.

Final Thoughts about gazebos at Secret Garden Party

Let’s leave the tedious setup of gazebos in the past and embrace a more communal atmosphere at festivals.

Whether you’re there for the music, the food, or just to have a good time with friends, everyone can come together and enjoy what’s on offer.

No fussing over tattered tents or cumbersome gazebo frames – just an inclusive space where all are welcome!

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